Did I forget to mention we also did a live radio bit with a couple of songs on 2TM? Oops.

Luckily Mr Wizard took a picture of the venue where all the radio stuff was happening. We did Lucky Streak and the brand new song we'd been working on just the other night. 

Right, now where was I?

Day 5 - Breakfast of UnChampions!

Going to Steve Passfields brekkie show has started to become something of an annual ritual when we're at the festival and this year was no exception. We rose early, went and got a very decent seat and ordered the BIG COUNTRY BREAKFAST.

Unfortunately, one of our band members was not pleased with the size of the serving of Tomato and some other service issues and proceeded to expound on his unhappiness at the table using some choice invective. Given that this band member is normally so polite, none were more shocked than I...perhaps excepting the two Grey Nomads sitting at the table behind us who raised an eyebrow when the air turned blue for a moment. We apologised on his behalf and she nodded and said, 'don't worry son, they're @^&*#)@'.

I expect  Deadwood is her favourite show.

Still, I couldn't help but poke a little fun.

Steve Passfields breakfast show always features special guest performers and singers and Steve's own unique blend of music and humour and is worth getting up early for.

While I was out taking a 'moment', I spotted this in the Mens Room.

The mind boggles. It lends itself to some MEME's such as



After brekkie, we returned to the accom to check our stuff and get ready for the next show.


During the previous gig, Mr Wizard had some amp problems. Fortunately, we had Bill V there as guitar tech who determined that the shock impact from the car crash (see blog part 1) had probably damaged the valves but not to worry, International Guitar rescue was on hand to fix such things!

Watch out - some NSFW language in this next one.

and eventually...

thankfully Rosie had brought a spare amp, despite our making fun of him for being overly cautious, so I guess that's SCORE 1: ROSIE.

With a replacement amp available nothing could stop us from our next gig!

The heat had come on strong and thoughtfully, the venue had provided fans. Oh I see, they're not for us, they're for the amps. Ah. Right.

Whilst the boys setup, I took a moment to wander down Peel St and yes there was a crowd. This year they decided to make the Buskers audition so the busker numbers were down and in a strange way, I missed the cacophony of 25 different buskers doing Burning ring Of Fire :-(

By the time I got back from my walk the boys were setup and it was time to do our thing again. Hurrah!

Day 6

Our next show was a night time one and the last show with Jo. Cheers to Stuart for pressing her to join us for this Festival, it makes it a joy to perform.

And once again the weather couldn't make up it's mind..Hot, cold, dry, rainy, pick and stick for crying out loud.

Other than that, a quiet day :-0


Ah yes, the gig we'd been waiting for all week, the front bar at the Albert on Australia Day.

The previous year when we did a similar gig, 5 windows were shattered on the 2nd floor after the Soundo got a little carried away with the Bass Bins.

Surely it will be better this year.

We rocked up, started to setup and went looking for the soundo.

What's this?

You're kidding me, right? Not to worry, Michael the Soundo was back there pretty darn quick. Cheers Michael, I hope next year they give you some additional assistance.

With a big crowd full of Australia Day happiness, we set about our set and I caught some footage of the gig.

In between sets I noticed that the line up to get into the gig was getting longer and longer :-) A good sign.


When we did Roscoes boogie we sent a shout out to Roscoe, who at last contact was in Afghanistan.

I got back to Sydney and found an email saying he was home safe. Good news.

As we do when we're in the mood, we ended the  night with a Boogie, Canned Heat style :-)



Thoroughly exhausted we retired to the accommodation to crash out and get ready for our last show of the festival the following day. Cheers to the A.M and all the Australia Day revelers.

Day 8

For our final day, Rain won out over heat.

We had thought it would be a quiet show and when asked by a very sweet Irish girl if she and her friend (singular) could get their picture taken behind the mike stand, I naively said 'yes'...OOPS.



I was in big trouble with the boys when the stagecrashers started messing with their instruments. 

Oops. Chalk that up to another Front Man rule for me to learn. No Slightly Inebriated Irish Girls On Stage.

Another fun moment was the dude who thought our 'newsletter sign up sheet'  was a great means of communicating his song preferences to us.

Billy Joel? Really? At the Tamworth Country Music festival? I'm a fan of Billy Joel (Downeaster Alexa is an awesome song) but really?

As night feel, I got a few last photos at the rear of the Marquee


As we finished our last song, there were still die hard festival goers down the front dancing away and we even got an encore.

All that was left was to do a final pack up, clean up our accom and get on the road.

All in all a fun packed week of playing. Cheers to all the folks that spent some time with us at this years Festival.