Howdy Folks.


As you may have gathered from my sudden interest in finishing a camera mounting, it's Video Clip Time Again! Yeehaa!


When working on a Zero Budget (or close to it) clip, we rely on Random Stuff To Magically Come Together ( I do believe, I do believe I can fly-eee....thud).


We also believe in unicorns.


If you want to see the kind of stuff we make, look to the left (or click here), yep, all those little boxes with pictures are clips we've made, or stuff we've shot.




So, we're throwing open the doors and using mixed metaphors to our dear readers and other Random People to get involved in our clips.


I am going to start by listing the clips we have ideas for and what we need. 


Stuff You Might Want To Know


We''ve got lots of ideas for the different songs, some from the coming album, some from other ones we have always wanted to do


We do them when we get enough random stuff together to implement an idea


If we try and things fall over, we don't complain, we just move on and do the one's we can make happen.


We'll shoot weekdays, nights or weekends, completely depending on when all random factors are in alignment


Some stuff we already have, here are a list of the things we ain't got:



Stormcellar Song Videoclip Ideas and What We Need to Make'em



Clip Idea 1. Running Jody


Synopsis: The internal dialogue of a soldier dealing with being home.



MALE - 25-40, fit looking, must be able to jog

FEMALE - 25-40 - Playing the wife of the Male character



Clip Idea 2. Hollow Tree


Synopsis: Romeo and Juliet meets To Kill A Mockingbird




An old dilapidated farm house

A Big, Gnarly Tree in a park or forest




3 YOUNG GIRLS: playing jump rope (skipping)

YOUNG FEMALE: Youngish 16-25, has to look young and innocent

YOUNG MAN: Her secret boyfriend

OLD MAN: Mean old cuss, get off my lawn, don't date my daughter



Clip Idea 3 - Suit Yourself


Synopsis: Bi Polar? Bi-WINNING!




Empty Theatre with stage

Empty LARGE auditorium





HIPSTERS & SYCOPHANTS - Various Hip Looking Peeps

PAPPARAZZI - Come on, work it like a Tiger

MALE - 20-40 - it's mental crisis time!



Clip Idea 4 - Country Radio


Synopsis: Trucker on a lost highway singing along with random people who have gone into a radio station. What does it all mean? who knows!




Semi Trailer Truck Cabin

Semi Trailer stopping by the side of a road

 Radio Studio




JUG BAND - Several dudes dressed a-la O Brother Where Art Thou.

PUNK GRRL BAND: Gothabilly look?

COUNTRY GIRL SINGER: Traditional Country Singer look

TRUCKER: Whatever a trucker looks like



Clip Idea 5 - Light In The Distance


Synopsis: Someone on a train looking out into the dark, see someone on a track




RAILWAY TRACK: Abandoned station? unused section? Any ideas? I'll be calling State Rail and asking anyway.




MAN: 20-50



Clip Idea 6 - Southern Belles

Synopsis: Working guy goes out on a Friday night bender




WORKSITE - Guys doing roadworks./building work

PUB: Where the action takes place



MAN: 20-30 Your Average Aussie Bloke

OTHER: Random stuff we haven't worked out yet



And that's not all the clips we have ideas for, just the ones that we're ready to go with. If you have any suggestions on locations or want to volunteer to be in the clip, message me here


We'll add some more clip ideas soon! Stay tuned! Internet Fame & Glory Await!