Set the first recording date for a remix on One in a million, adding some sax from Michael Hawke. Liking this one.

We'll release it as a single, cos we can. Heh.

Two radio interviews this week, Thursday 25th on Radio Goolwa AlexFM 96.3 with Duncan Kirkley at 1pm - and then on Saturday 27th with Raelynn Mitchell on Frasier Coast FM.

Plus I finally got the Salon project going, with song #1, 'Crossfire'

Den & Christina are reviewing it.

Will they like it?

Will they find a key they both can sing in?

Will all the the various elements of scheduling and luck come together? Who knows!


Next song for the project is underway. Theo picked out a beat today. Ahh.

Always at our happiest making stuff.