I came so very close to getting the next project started yester/to/day.




Mick P was standing by to do location sound, and then....

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I was able to get several factors simultaneously, but not quite put it all together.

Of course you know what that means.


I don't quite know why, but I am completely stoked to be doing this new project.

OH! It has a working title! Dust/Dusk/Drums/Darkness. I'll bang on about it in depth later. Suffice to say, yay, make stuff. Fun.

Notes on 461

Dave has a fine high register and stepped up for 45 when the solo act didn't front. Far out.

RESPECT THE DAVE. I hope he'll come sing with us.


Thanks to all the folks who joined us for the night, shout outs to Ross for visiting with us.

Also a shout out to the facial hair on Steve J, what loves has a man for his daughter's hair dressing career than to let her mess with his facial fur.

Ah, and lastly but but not leastly:

When you're out at a gig, Don't Be  A Dick. 

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We have the love for a lot of different people, some of whom get unfairly judged for who they associate with and what they wear.

When we say we're your friends in the stormcellar, we actually mean it. All we care about is how you treat others, that's about it.

How you get on with the rest of your life is not our business :-).

But if you do stuff that's not cool to others, when we're present, we're going to say something or do something.

Because: How you treat others matters.

If you came to a show, had a medical problem, we'd stop the show, call for help, do what was right.

When you come out to the show, you do what's right too. That's the covenant between friends.

Keep it kind.It just makes sense.

All are welcome, but each are respected, that's how this works, that's the cost of entry.

It's hard to write this stuff and not sound preachy, but f--k it, it's my damn blog, and I'm going to clue you in, simply.

If it the behaviour wouldn't fly, in my living room, it won't fly at our show. No more, no less than I'd do in your lounge room.

Humans, we're complex.

Lots of love.