Some more art in Shimo, lots of these figures around , some  more lifelike than these walking upstairs , looking at billboards etc. Meant to ecourage people to enter shops etc ?

Back on the Yamanote line 3 years after our song. Now you keep rail pass in your wallet , just touch it on the sensor with out opeing it, and you are in. Use these smart cards for drinks and in quite a few shops as well. going to a gig is about only place you really need hard cash, use your phone to pay a lotta stuff too. even small thining like drink machines all have 3 electronic ways you can pay.

(EDITOR's Note - Love the hat! Mr Wizard wandering around in this must make the locals think 'Boy, those foreigners sure are hipsters)

Station platforms often have a noodle bar.

Took a monorail (driverless) to Daiba an artificial built in Tokyo Bay, quite large bigger than Sydney CBD.

Strange shaped bulldings there.

One with sphere, TV station production area s inside the sphere.

One shaped like a ship is a maritime museum.

Statue Of Liberty donated by French government