Oka-ayyy – it’s been a while between blogs …

So this photo showed up in my huntings around the interwebs and is worth sharing. One thing that I dig are “meeting of minds” photos. You know: the ones where well known folks have been snapped together and you think “wow … and all in one room”. So here’s one (thank you to the Delta Blues Facebook page):

On a different topic ... a story:

When MJEB and I were in high school we had to watch a BBC series called Edge of Darkness, for English (I think that was the class). Great series. For me the significant thing was the soundtrack. It’s a piece of music composed by Eric Clapton with the late Michael Kamen. I dug it but I forgot about it. Years later I started a quest to get hold of a copy only to find it had been released and quickly deleted – ruling out getting a new copy and sending me scouring through second-hand shops and stalls. The hunt went on for about a decade (no kidding).

One day I was at Glebe markets rummaging through a record stall when the guy next to me pulled a copy out of the box. I couldn’t believe my eyes. There it was (that’s good) … and in someone else’s hands (that’s bad). I managed not to hyperventilate (that’s good). He put it back (even better) … and it was mine all mine! It was as good as I remembered. Eric had also released a live version with the National Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Michael Kamen, which was even better. It really is a great piece of music. For a while MJEB and I used to play part of it as an intro to one of our early blues songs.

Why am I mentioning this? I’ve been watching Joe Bonamassa Live from the Royal Albert Hall. Joe is is very open about the influence and inspiration of Eric Clapton, and at the end of Sloe Gin he plays the main theme from Edge of Darkness. Very, very cool.

Here’s the link to Clapton playing it from the 24 Nights version – enjoy:

