
I had a rare and distinct pleasure the other night – I was catching up with some old friends who have a pair of sons who are both complete characters at the grand ol’ ages of 6 & 8. They are also young men of discerning taste. By “discerning taste” I mean “like our music”. Apparently their parents do, too. But not quite in the same level of enthusiasm as their offspring who like to sing a long at the top of their lungs. This is what we like to hear! We were driving home and I was treated to this phenomenon and revelled in every second of it … hey – we gets it where we can. I particularly enjoyed the moment where, as father dearest turned the volume down on the solo (who does that!?) the young’uns’ response was a chorus of “Ohhhhh daa-a-a-ad” … which is what I say to the engineers when we’re mixing.

Oh – and the song? … Gimme Something I Want … and the chorus in question?

“If you can’t give me something I want, gimme something I need”.

I’ve never asked MJEB what the song is about … for me it’s always been about cake.

Stuey & Rory – you rock!

Great moments in history … part the ‘nth.
