Now listen!
Dunno if you've ever done this, but when you write a blog on MySpace there's a bit at the end where you can show the album cover of something you've been listening to that you've been digging or want people to think you've been digging as the case may be.
But there is no facility to add a great gig you've been to recently.
Which leads me to a gig that I went to a week or so ago from my favourite band in Sydney - The Alcohotlicks.
I would say that they are a little bit underground, a little bit left of field. The first time I saw them (and I've seen them many times since) I really didn't know how to listen to it but I was struck enough to want to go back for more. Their music is all instrumental and the band comprises two guitars and drums. What draws me to them is the adventure and sheer beauty and ballsiness in their music.
So the other night they were playing a rare gig at 505 in Surry Hills and it was a whole set of new music. As they played through each new piece one stood out head and shoulders, now I don't know the name, but it was introduced as "a blues, but a blues as Sonic Youth would play it". And that's exactly what it was. There came a point where the world dropped away and the music simply overtook the venue - we were all transported with them on the journey.