We're having a heat waaaave...a tropical heatwaaave...and what better way to sweat it out than to go into Front Room and lay down some tracks? Paul needed a towel.

And so it continues....the festive season drawing to a close, Australia fighting for its life in the cricket (metaphorically), people around the world fighting for their lives (literally) and we're off recording again. 

Today was the start of Pauls slide, rhythm and solo bits. My job was Coffee, Lunch and re-reading a copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that Jim had conveniently left laying about. Douglas Adams was right. CARRY A TOWEL!

Jim & Paul talking shop.

Jeez louise it was hot. In a stunning change of pace for us, it was a fair weather day. Too fair.

FYI - This is not Jims House. this is the view from jims house. I was puzzled by the lack of thunderstorms.

We had a carnival of friends roll through today, Slinky, Henry and the boys all came in to sit in the studio for a minute.

Henry offering moral support to the boys.

We started with Dont Get Around Much then moevd on to Swamp Monster and Seven Days.

I think these three songs will make the cut for SC2.

Paul starting to lay down Swamp Monster

Mal dropped by when we mentioned a minor Bass problem.

'Smokey' Forrester looking mighty pleased for no damn reason whatsoever.

7 days Slide Guitar Noodling - Blues Voegelers Beware!!

This sessions brings us to the first pause in recording, whilst our godfather of blues (Jim) goes on tour for a week. We have another few rhythm sessions planned towards the end of the month, plus a few more gitar bits and...OMG...the vocals and harp. How come I get to be last???? Thank god. I have been listening to my guide vocals (wince) and truly hope to do a better job, or I am going to be very depressed. Dont talk to me about depression.. LOL...too much reading Hitchhikers!

We start our 2009 gig schedule this weekend at the Avalon RSL and the Engadine Tavern, with a bunch more coming up (check the gig calendar). I'm also working ona youtube videoclip under Roscoe's supervision, I hope to post a version in a week or so, then there's the next secret (not so secret) project targeted for the end of January...'Spacejunk.'...but more on that in a future post.