The Three Stages of Rosie - Stage 1 - Staunch

Meet the most patient man in Music, our very own Rosie. Recording SC2 continued with More Guitar Stuff...

Jim's moving the studio to a more luxurious locale shortly, so we're trying to get as much finished as we can before Front Room becomes Back Room, or Side Room, or New Room. Today, Michael suffered the slings and arrows of Outrageous Muso's as Paul, Jim and I told him how to do what he does, only better. It was time to adjust some of the initial solo's in the songs.

Despite this, Michael singularly failed to kill any of us.

Jim and Michael had completed the arrangement on a solo for Roscoes Boogie, but Paul and I both decided that as we didnt have to play it, we knew better.

I lent Michael a copy of '7 screaming dizbusters' (live) by Blue Oyster Cult. He returned it and questioned my sanity.

Paul said 'More Eyebrows' (Zappa anyone?).

Jim said 'I like it.'

Michael said ' I played it and I like it too!'

Paul and I chimed in 'noooooo!!! It's too tasteful!! We want raucous, nasty overplaying'

Michael does not like to overplay. He really, really doesnt like to be 'un-tasteful'. Really quite a bit.

Michael was kind enough to endure the requests to make with ridiculous guitar noodling; his eyebrows lifted until they achieved Spockian 'not logical, captain' angles.

Despite this, he humoured us and we completed a nasty, over-the-top-guitar-noodling solo which is in keeping with the vibe of the song. 

Mind you, there's a long way to go yet - the mixing phase may wind some of that silliness back. Nonetheless, Michael soldiered on.

Three Stages of Rosie - Stage 2 - Quizzical

Despite all the nuisance value of multiple opinionated people in the room, he went on to record a blistering single take solo on the next track.

All except for a single 'ding' noise.

Of course, all of this back and forth arrangement  left him all tuckered out..

Three Stages of Rosie - Stage 3 - Exhausted

Mrose has been hitting the stuff so hard live, and on the spacejunk recordings, that we have just come to expect instantaneous magic, and we werent about to let him off the hook.

My hat goes off to Mrose for his Stalwartedness. If that''s a word. if not, all I can say is, he is the most patient guitarist I have ever met.

Recording continues tomorrow with Susie on backing vocals and some odds and sods, and resumes once Front Room becomes New Room!

More Soon!