Here is the new room, same as the old paraphrase The Who...

Recording unexpectedly continued this week after our producer Got His Stuff Together Muy Prontissimo...faster than a speeding bullet, the illustrious Jim Finn prioritised his Move and set the studio up first!!

Just before the studio relocation, Jim had arranged for the masterful Al Britton to lay down bass on 'That Smile's Not For Me' which occasioned a phone call a week earlier than I had anticipated, saying, 'why aren't you here recording stuff???'

Thus chastened, I hurried to Jims new Abode (man, it must be 19th century writing time today, I feel like Dr Watson)..ahem....conveyed by automobile, I followed the my irish Automaton and guide to the New Front room, where i discovered a most curious device

By Jove! Its Jim's Recorder Doo Dad!

As we were slightly unprepared, we were laying down vocals without lyrics for ..err...the middle bit...and um...err...the end of the song.

This occasioned some headscratching and the realisation that we had Better Be More Organised, plus an argument about whether we really needed the middle section. Fortunately, Paul stuck to his guns and Jim encouraged a little boundary pushing on the vocals and we got quite an unexpected result. (ie: we didnt hate the outcome).

Netx week, we have two more sessions planned, then its time to start the mixing and fixing. We're still considering who to do the mastering with and I think we're still running behind schedule, but I am hopeful that w'll see a pressed version of it this side of August (please please please).

Stay tuned for more frolicking in the front room!