Howdy Folks. We played the Kent in Newcastle last night, driving up with the returning Sunday night traffic.





A late night session at the Kent on a Sunday night? It's after 8:30, people should be at home, glued to the tube, watching the latest in reality TV stuff...but no, in Newcastle, they're out at the Steve Edmonds gig and then afterwards...




now I'd wear a Go Pro or some Helmet Cam but the boys wont let me. They say I'd look like The Borg (resistance is  futile), so I make do with filming what I can whilst doing 'other' stuff. Like singing.



What surprised me the most last night was the Very Polite clapping from the audience during the first set. We could have been at a golf game :-) They got a little more raucous as the evening progressed.


Cheers to James, nick, Anna and the folks that came out on a late Sunday for a Dance. A big night.


We're back up that way next Friday at the Orana hotel in Blacksmith.