Hey You! Yes, You, the harmonica player picking up all their harps from the floor because some overly enthusiastic dancer has pirouetted into your stuff and sent your harps flying.  

No more will you be wondering 'WTF did my Bb harp go?' during your next song!

No more 'ARGH!' after Drunk Random #4590 has flipped all your carefully arranged stuff into the air because 'frazzzlle ruble mmm burp oops'!

That's because because you wisely invested in the

HARP GUARDIAN 5000 (patent unlikely) from MJEB Industries

We start with the finest, cheap ass alumininimum alummin...aaloo...A case from Bunnings Warehouse, made in China! that's right, China! They make'em good and cheap over there, oh boy.

Now here you can see the rookie mistake, all these harps and musical what-nots just lying in the case, almost inviting someone to come along and send them tumbling into the air!

We then visit Clark Rubber, that same place beloved by pool enthusiasts and fetishists and buy our selves some foam! 

Yep, good old foam.

Then you find out that when Clark Rubber says 'We cut to size'  they only mean '1 cut'  and if you want all those little holes for your harmonica, you are on your own!

Good luck with your little craft knife and no, you can't borrow the cool foam cutting knife, now give me your money and get gone.

But here at MJEB Labs, we have the latest in Pen and Ruler tech. See how our experts work out how big stuff is and draw lines.


And because we're not shmucks, we know to leave enough foam at the edges and between the holes so it doesn't suffer from Structural Fall Apart!

4cm by 3(ish)CM squares seems to do the trick and grip the harp cases nicely.

We even cut the holes in a pattern that allows more stability, why? Cos we thought of it as we were doing it and we're SMRT!!

When the foam is 100 MM thick and a craft knife won't cut all the way to the bottom it, what do we do?

No problems, we use a craft blade to cut the initial shape out , drill a hole in the centre of the foam, use a thin bladed file to cut the deep edges and then RIP the middle foam out by hand or with pliers! All hi tech! not done in a clean room.

ET VOILA!! Here you have it! the Harp Guardian 5000, loaded and ready for drunks everywhere!

I tried dropping this, knocking it  over, turning upside down and those suckers stayed put. I am digging it.

Stay tuned for more technology of the future from MJEB industries!!