FINN launched their latest CD 'Bomb the world with kindness' last Friday night and yours truly was there to film it for posterity. 

Jim always wanted to see his name up in lights, so we did it literally.

And for every on stage glory, there's a bunch of behind the scenes work, such as Tomi re-plugging connectors on dozens of power supplies...

Nice work Tomi, his band Bonez were the support act for the night. Nice use of phone whilst completing a task :-)



Dion and Ant were operating camera, big thanks to Paul McQueen for loan of the Jib.

I'll be editing the footage this week and I'll post a link when it's done. A great gig, a good album and a good night of production. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all comes together in the clip.

Now all I gotta do is make some more for us :-) Lol