Sad news today from our mate Bobcart, a friend of Freddy Wilson. Freddy passed away a week or so ago and his wake was last night, making me a bit late on the news. Freddy wouldn't have minded, we were rehearsing, he liked a work ethic :-)

Freddy taught me more about performing in a few weeks than I gained from years worth of lessons with other folks. It wasn't just that he knew what he was talking about, it was his ability to convey it.

He cussed like a sailor, smoked like a chimney, played Sax like a Boss and swung with the best of them. 

Freddy made a difference in countless lives and the best obit he can have is that his Google references are not articles about him, they are the mentions on the CV's of so many singers and performers stating with confidence that the reader will be impressed, that they once attended a Freddy Wilson Jazz Workshop.

Vale Freddy, you were one of the greats.