Howdy Folks. Another well spent afternoon in pursuit of Videoclip footage.

We drove up to Blackheath this afternoon to get some footage of Fettler and I was reminded just how pretty the mountains are.

Blackheath has some delightful old cottages 

We went out looking for a location to film us some Fettler and he suggested a church that Tinker's family helped build.

I asked if he thought there'd be anyone about. he suggested that as the next service is in June, probably not :-)

Once again somehow the Call Of The Dutch got us. We'd parked off the road, walked down a dirt lane to film some stuff and were mid way through filming when a bunch of backpackers wandered up and asked us directions :-) They must have followed the sound of fiddle. Hope you guys found the campsite ok.

I'll wait until I release the video before I post any more pics, but the scenery in the megalong valley was stunning.

When we got back to Fettlers place Tink showed us the replica 'one ring' complete with Mordor-ian Writing that she'd dug up in the backyard of their new house. How it got there is anyone guess. I suggested that she keep it secret, keep it safe (GROAN).

I have to go convert the footage to the correct .avi codec and then we'll see how this clip comes together. Stay tuned.