Howdy Folks, I've been out prop shopping for the next video. Had one of those might-be-a-great-idea-might-be-disaster-idea moments and off we go.

Mr Wizard and I spent the afternoon sorting through the trash and treasure of the endless assortment of bottlecaps, plastic lids, industrial refuse and other weird and wonderful object at Reverse Garbage.

I have been visiting thse guys since i was a nipper and they rock. RAWK!


Do you need half a mannequin, an assortment of glitter based bottle brushes or, in our case, some oddments with which to build a (REDACTED FOR NON SPOILER REASONS)

With imagination all things are possible.

Support these guys, go there and buy weird stuff, become a friend (10% off, 12 months, $10, mad not to) or donate stuff to'em. What a resource.