Howdy Folks.

A late one last night, dare I say, bohemian even :-)

We played at Lazybones last night. Mr Wizard has been raving about the place for weeks and now I can see why.

Watch out Melbourne, a little piece of Hip is happening in Sydney :-)

We were glad to catch Puggsley Buzzard doing a trio thing, if you haven't checked him out, he's a cross between John Clearly and Tom Waits and one heck of a keyboardist.

I took a little footage of one of his songs, apols for the shaky start, don't worry, i soon worked out how to use the new WOXOM iphpne tripod thing

Here's the result..i start handheld and then work it out :-)

Pugsley is there tonight (14th dec) so get in and see him before he heads back overseas on tour!

Lazybones is on the second floor, hidden away

they pack the place full of music all week!

Neli, Rea and the Laztybones Crew

As this was our last show for the year (we think), on a black Friday, we cranked it up from the get go.

Despite it being the witching hour, the crowd were ready to get up and get down. I took a moment of footage during cant tax love at the end of the set. hmm...on playback it looks like I am a little  ahead of the beat on the singing. Will have to work on that.

I had a few tech hiccups with my power supply for the in ear monitors, and a few little niggles such as having the harp in the wrong case (ARGH) so it took me a moment to settle, but we had a huge night and the bar stayed open the latest they have ever far :-)

Mr Wizard is right, this a great venue, right in the heart of marrickville and it's Hip Quotient is officially 3 'Ayyyyy' on the Beeblebrox scale of amazingly amazing.


Shout outs to Lee, San, Alan, Frank, Becky and all the Lazyboners for a grand night out inside the velvet curtains. A great way to end our years playing.

Our next gig isn't too far away though - 4th Jan up at The Lakes Hotel at The Entrance. Until then we have new stuff to crack on with and a recording to get sorted out tomorrow, so I better hop to it..