Back at the Townie last night.

2 support acts had canceled and we opted to fill the support slot ourselves. Yikes


It was whilst writing up another set list that we realised we still had a lot of petrol left in the tank.

Of course, that included a lot of 'nice songs' that Mr Wizard thinks 'too sweet' for Newtown on a Friday.

In an effort to mask the fact that our support was missing, we changed outfits (shirts) between sets. It's this kind of inspirational marketing genius that is the hallmark of our success.

Hardly anyone noticed.

We made sure to thank our selves for the support slot and the opportunity to open for ourselves. We were also gracious enough to share our rider.

Normally, having a support gives me a bit of time to take some footage, but I spotted someone in the crowd with a Black Magic cam (was it the 4k option?) so somewhere out there lurks some Hi Def footage of Rixies bass Solo

I'm still fighting to find a good hearing solution, the stage is pretty small and the drums are right behind my head, I tried the ear muffs again last night. They kind of worked. yes I have custom in ears but the'yre being a bit wobbly (gotta get a terminal fixed methinks) and I am so keen not to go deaf (or deafer) that I am willing to risk the ignominy of the appearance in return for the aural respite. Also as Vicki D (Sensei) pointed out, No hear? No Pitch. Pitching the note correctly is a really appealing habit.

Such are the tribulations of our times. Amen.

Any casual visitor to these pages will observe that we have a fascination with the world around us; so that's what we take pictures of.

Therefore if you come to our show and dance, you'll probably wind up on these pages.

If you come a show and get down the front and make Air Guitar Voodoo motions at Rosie whilst he's doing his solos, I'll probably take pictures.

But it you come over and make Air Harp, well....

I'll add captions :-)


Thanks to Sally, Jesus, Mark and Diane, Sheridan and all the folks who spent The long evening with us, and especially to the Hunters & Collectors fans who came down from the Enmore to keep supporting new live music. Way to go guys.

We're at Shady Pines tomorrow night, then we have a week or so off whilst we do 'things'. Much happening Stay tuned.