Just posted this to facebook because:
Stormcellar would like to acknowledge the bravery of S. sharing her transition to R. I can only imagine how brave you have to be to accept who you truly are. Ok, completely inappropriate joke here, but that takes Cojones. Hey don't judge me I'm still processing this..
Those that know and love me know I have my own share of stuff to deal with, that being the case, it gives me a certain connection to those who feel a little alien in their own world.
Like any Western Socialised Hetero Identifying Product of the 20th Century, I find some changes are still a little daunting.
However, this isn't one of them.
I must admit I am a little 'caitlin'd out, being a bit of a media chewer, but I understood how important it is to have a hero, a pioneer.
Sydney's always been a bit of a Rainbow city. We have loved ones from all over the spectrum so it's never seemed altogether unusual.
What I am finding unusual is the amount of acceptance.
Am I overly optimistic or are people starting to be a little nicer? More accepting? I'd like to think so.
Most important, welcome Rebecca. We've always liked you for who you are and you can choose any externalisation of yourself that feels right without any concern that we'd think differently of you. We're your friends in the Stormcellar.