Wow, big night. This was the lineup before the second set. in the only moment of Cool during last week, I got to bypass the security and go back inside! Woot! Ok so I was working there but that's not the point. There have got to be some perks to being in this outfit.


We risked the new songs, my error rate was acceptable, Mr Wizard was voted as Extra-Ordinarily Loud by his ship mates and subject to the rigorous ear wigging we are so well known for.

Watch out for our hasty and easily repented emails. No hang on, that's not me, that's someone else.

Both of our support acts were 'unavoidably detained' which means either : the rapture is upons us (hallelujah),



the Zombie Apocalypse is here (great, I have a cricket bat and pads, I'm set)


or something far more explainable, such as email failure. Or we smell funny. Take your pick.

Our regards though, in all seriousness, to B from Hairpin Culvert and sorry Sam, hope you took Telstra up on that free data day.

So, going back to new songs. 'Julie' went pretty well, but 'let me go down easy' kind of left people uncertain of how to react. It's a little like 'sun shines on' so it's not exactly a cheerful song but it is powerful. I rate it but maybe it needs to be in set 2. 


There was one moment though, that does bear a little recounting.

We've been playing the townie for a while now, and they've left our posters up there. They're built up, over written, stapled over, peeping out from behind other posters, framed by triangles and hard edges of the laminated bulwark of promo.

I recognise each of the ones I've made, and seeing them up there, still there, I feel a sudden sense of history and place, and even a strange pride that's as simple as a dog marking his territory, or maybe it's a touch of the self awareness of history.

Within the band we call it 'describing the wave to the water', the conundrum of at once being within something and at the same time, having a sense of its place relative to the world that gives rise to it.

So perhaps it's better to say that I caught sight of our posters, layered deep into history, of nights we've tried and tested songs, and that some small echo of what we have done remains.

Until they renovate.
