For crying out loud. WTF.

Paul's mum passed away yesterday, the day after John McC.


It's been a time.

Mr Wizard didn't say a thing about it until after the gig today. My blog would be normally about what a pleasant way it as to spend the afternoon today, and how we had a grand night on Friday.

I liked Bernie's bag.

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Maybe it still should be.

A few years back we lost Kaye, and now in quick succession, Rosie's Dad, Paul's flatmate and now..oh for the love of mike...

I know it's all part of the cycle, fair enough, but it's been a lot, quickly.

We take so much comfort from what we do. These are 10 years of friendship. Cameraderie. Support. Extended family. People who have heard all of your stories. All of them. Even the ones you don't want to share. Because after so many hours in a car, you get to the start of your life :-)

We look out the window, we see green. We listen to music. We play for each other, and for the friends who come hang out with us. We write stuff together. Try to work out what each other are saying, what we mean within the work.

These are the signs, the milestones, each one past is as treasure to be carried with you.

At times like this, you reach for the strength that surrounds you, the network that holds you up.

10 years of solace.

Now more than ever, the stormcellar is a state of mind. 

We gather Mr Wizard into ourselves, as we do with each of us, and we talk, cry, whatever. I'm not smart enough to fathom rhyme or reason to these things. But we're together, that's what we've got, and maybe it's enough.

What a great couple of shows we had. Thank you to everyone who joined us. Thank you Shawn. Thank you Dan. Thank you Kel, Con, Sal and all the Cellar Dwellers who came out with us.

We started and ended the weekend in the company of friends.