
Did you know that over the last 10 years we have uploaded 700+ different youtubes - not including the live streams, vids to FB and Vimeo and....(sigh)

I've still got a bunch of scripted clips for songs and a whole bunch of ideas that I have....let go of :-)

The boys still don't like appearing in the clips. Mr Wizard thinks only Live Performances count, watching us Mime the songs seems....pointless?

I dunno.

I've always tried to tell a story within the clips, and I thought we might be one of the rare bands where the guy who writes the lyrics, makes the clips.

But as I don't always get to make what I want...hang on...let me rephrase - as it is not viable to have 30 Foot Dragons in EVERY scene (awwww),


Budget limitations have encouraged us to be more creative.

As we continue to celebrate Year 10 in the Stormcellar by Making More Stuff, and after a pretty decent bit of fun on Reddit, I've put the word out, looking for people to try their hand at a clip, or send me some footage to make one with, inspired by one of our songs.

It could be brilliant, it could be 'alternative brilliant'

selfie-stick (Custom).jpg

I might try posting the scripts for some of the unmade clips as well.

Who knows how this will end? But it's going to be fun finding out.

A shout out to the ANONS who have volunteered so far. 

Message me via the contact form here if you want in on the fun. Pick a song, shoot some footage, send it to me via dropbox or something and I'll use it in a clip, or make one yourself and show me what you did. I'm having all the fun! You have a computer, a camera and an imagination. Join in if you feel like it. Or not! We accept Random here.

