Hmmm. I detected some reservation from ML when we started talking about the 5D tracks.

I've got three clean tracks from the first batch, and I was looking at maybe another 3-4 from the Coonabarrabran experiment, but Lynchy is worried that the stuff we recorded in the Observatory Dome isn't up to snuff.

He wonders if an Omni microphone would have been better. The stuff on the viewing platform came up great, but there were a few issues with the stuff inside the dome.

The song was new,  the parts and arrangement unfamiliar, the Djembe spilled into the microphone, oh noes!


For my part, on video - maybe I had the ISO too low, maybe I should have said 'screw the noisy picture, gain that sucker up and fix in post'.

We'll get a chance to review the takes in the next few days and we'll see. I've been listening to the Camera sound and I think there's a worthwhile take for the problem song.

Yeah the opening is a little rickety, but the swell from the middle 8 into the verse reprise makes me say 'all is forgiven'.

Lynchy has high standards, so his assessment will be to that level. I may be a little more forgiving, just 'cos.

At the same time, the worst case scenario is we had 1 track that didn't work out well enough and....

...we'll have to go back and do another one!



That's why it's all good - this is experimental. That comes with some expectation of 'oh dear that didn't work'tumblr_n1kq8dh0z71sk3d28o1_500.gif

It's pretty normal for us to have to do trial runs of things, especially videoclips. I once spent so long on a test that Rosie quite reasonably asked whether we should just use the test. Coulda, but the final product turned out better.

For the last album, Kansas City Gold, we had a few songs after the....experiment....went wrong.

I have a feeling the song will be OK, but Bill has already expressed a desire to redo it with different musical arrangement, so what the heck.

On the plus side, I'm waiting on the 'takes' so I can start the video editing work. Oh. And the additional recording of additional instruments.

Come to think of it, we'll be busy for a while.

Speaking of while, it's me. I am the hold up for Defiance. I tried again. Fail. Tonight I try again. 

Experiment. Fail. Learn. Repeat.

Back later, have more things to try.