What a conundrum.

I am reposting something I listen to regularly. I prefer this live version to the other one Dinesh did online, I think he's less conscious of his playing in this take, also there's the vibe of the room.

I've been asking him to come along and join in the 5D project, might still get a crack at it if I'm lucky.

I think this is a classy piece of work, concise,  and pretty much as well said as I can work out how to say anything.

I don't know whether to cover it, admire it (sure), be inspired by it (did that, thanks Dinesh, thats what got me to bring 'Brave with your heart' out for another attempt) or repost it.

I'm starting with reposting. Missed the first sentence but this is straight out genius grade work. Simple, beautiful, truthful. Yeah I dig it. Don't think it sad, think it marvellous.


Yet more work here in the stormcellar to provide you a little time out from the chaos out there :-)