Ye Gods.

Chaos hit again today.

Dr Rock warned me about Pluto being oppositional at the moment.


No not that Pluto.


Of course Gary at Skywatch Observatory points out Pluto wasn't discovered by humans until 1930.

I thought that organising this weeks recordings would be easy in comparison to the US tour logistics; I was wrong.

Chaos is a factor. Randomness is a factor. Might as well be bloody Pluto.

So here I am, feeling pretty chipper whilst Entropy interacts with my planning process in a significant way.


I've kept things pretty fluid and open since we had to De-Tour and my working proposal is 'yes' is proceed, 'no' is go another way.

Today, several of my 'Yes' states have moved to 'maybe' and I'm treating anything that's not a 'yes' as a 'no'. That's just where I am at right now.

I'm keeping it positive here, cos I am positive. I've moved from one Plan B to the next. In fact I am almost at the end of the standard alphabet. If I run out of letters, I am going to pick random object. Right now we're up to Plan Cheese Sandwich


Writing continues today, rehearsal tomorrow and then? We move to the next thing. Yep.

What is that next thing?

Dunno. That's our next thing to work out.