True Fact: Mr Wizard originally proposed a name for our band - Blues Factor 4. Yep. Sci Fi is in our DNA. 

If we have thought afar it is because we stand upon the shoulders of giants.

Thank you Stephen Hawking, godspeed.


This week we started work on the Starlight Suite element of the Dark Skies project. Brother Bill found a structure, the Solar system.

Idea's and guide tracks are coming into my inbox at dinosaur threatening speed. Between the other songs Mr Wizard, Rosie and Brother Bill are sending my way, I'm calling this the Heavy Bombardment Period.

Space is in our minds right now.

solarsys_poster (Custom).jpg

In addition to Hawking radiation and continuing to popularisie science, Stephen Hawking may have been an inspiration in another way: to do what you can, no matter what your circumstances, for as long as you are able.

Ever forward, onward traveller.