Big ups to my Mayfield Homies, you know who you are.


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A grand night for a drive up North.

Cheers to Colin on Sound & Lighting. Way to go.

Also thanks to Dr Rock for keeping me company on the drive and to all the folk who came out last night.

Bill & Mr Wizards special project is continuing to deliver good results. 

Only 5 songs from Rogue State have made it into the set so far, there's more work to be done.

What we need though, is...more songs.

Yeah it's that time.

We regularly rotate though songs. Sure there are keepers, then there are Evolved Versions. Also a few favourite covers that demonstrate some respect to the Masters.

As we move into summer, it's time for new stuff.

With the completion of recent recording there's some more space to write, as well. Bill & Mr Wizard were hard at it on Friday brewing another batch.

Plus we're reviewing what other songs we might try. A few from local friends, maybe a few other hero bands.

It's spring, a good time to plant seeds.

As Dr Rock observed on the drive, we spend a lot of time thinking through what we do.

When you have a good night, as a result of that thinking, rehearsing, planning and consideration for each other, it seems worth the trouble.

Shout out to Mark, Sandy (next time!) and to all the folks who joined us last night.

Another road trip this week.