We all got sick of trading germs so everyone's been in isolation.
Because our community live in different parts of the city and state and some have kids, it's been a wonderful swap meet for minor sniffles.
(sniff). Humans. We need level 14 decontamination.
As the season passes and the marsupials emerge into a bright, cold winter, and Sydney receives some blessed rain, signs of life have emerged from the cellar fellers.
After some reasonable research and planning, it's time to get on with a few of the pending projects.
The hard part is working out what to do. the rest is merely logistics and weather :-)
SBS 40th B'Day this weekend. Set planning beckons.
Jo's with us (yay).
Three months worth of trial and error have yielded the few things to have a go at during this next quarter, looks to be a productive winter.
You'll see more making-of stuff as soon as we start making stuff. Otherwise I'd be posting spreadsheets and google results ;-)