Well that took some doing.

Thanks to Bec for being a sounding board. 

I'm now ready to move to the second phase of live testing, managing the social media aspect.

There are still about 6 different areas of the process to test. Over the next four weeks I hope to try out the various platforms and tech options until we settle on the right combination.

By that stage, the 2nd wave of local infections should be understandable and the risk mitigated - putting a bunch of guys together in an enclosed space to rehearse is unwise until the risk is reduced.

We also have a damaged crew member, so it's going to be a little while before we go for a full band stream.

It's not been for want of trying I tell ya. Until that point, we'll have some friends stepping into the slot to help us test. Big thanks to Michael C. for coming up to speed so quickly. This weekend I am due to pick a date and time. Stay tuned.

Mixing and Finishing

Shout outs to Michael L., Michael Mc and Ben (finally a non michael!) for input as we move towards finishing our most recent recording project. There's still no final call on the process or methods. We didn't have enough time to finish recording all the stuff we wrote on tour - let alone actually finish writing it.

There are three more songs (so far) that seem appropriate to add to the 4 we recorded in Clarksdale, there is an ongoing discussion on how to go about getting them recorded and how to get the 'release' completed. Is it an album? an EP? Dunno. Does it matter in an age of streaming and effectively free music? I can't answer that one, so instead I'll concentrate on the practicalities of getting the work finished.

There's also the undeniable reality that without Shows to pay for it, it's hard to afford studio time during a pandemic. Necesity is the mother of invention, I have a whole slew of ideas, both plausible and problematic. The work is going to continue. The method we employ may vary from Pre-Covid. I'll run through that stuff after we get through our present lot of work. 


Despite Australia starting to open up, we're still going to be a little cautious. There seems a high likelihood that there is a Pre COVID and Post COVID world for Pubs/Clubs/Festivals and entertainment. I am not sure what this will mean, I suspect that things will change in ways we do not yet understand.

Everything changes, nothing stays the same. We will use this time as the gift that it can be, to work, to wait, to practise patience. Until the changes manifest, we will be here in the stormcellar, doing what we do, quietly and (mostly safely). 

Streaming notifications this week

When I get to the next point, Friends of The Band will join us, then Cellar Dwellers, as we complete each phase of testing and release.

I'll post here first and then on social media when we go public.