Despite the external Chaos, inside the stormcellar it's chaos-as-usual. 'Fool for you' from our Clarksdale session is getting a remix and some development.

This one reminds me of 'Sail Away', where it was touch and go between 'YIKES!!!' and 'ahhhh'. During the development work  for Sail Away we had a version that sounded like Carmen Miranda was dancing to it. Entirely too much coconut.


We fixed that with some development work after a moment of hysterical laughter from me that did not endear me to my band mates.

With Fool For You, there are some mixing issues, some spill issues and then?

Well. The first part of the verse. Yeah.

Instrumentation? The beat? The drum sound? The Bass line?

There is a threshhold where it makes more sense to record it again than try to fix something, yet there is nothing 'wrong' with this version. I just want more out of it. So I could be absolutely wrong. With help from Marcus I tried some additional instrumentation and I am waiting on a few players to test some ideas. We'll see.

I feel like there's a real gem here if we can cut it well enough.

While that's happening, we're gearing up to start recording multi tracks of the streaming show. Over the next month we'll see if we can get a solid recording out of it.

That, plus a bit of mixing and finishing off our Clarksdale stuff, is going to keep me plenty busy for the next little while.

If you feel like contributing to our work, add some energy to the system here