Ah it's mighty comfortable weather considering it's the Summer season and we are less on fire than in previous years.

We note with pleasure the arrival of a grandson for Friend Of The Band Mr G. 

Even in times such as these, renewal. The show really does go on :)

Downtime Seaons 1 Recordings

Theo, Coggers and Fox are on it. It's gonna be 'enhanced' from the live shows.

So...if I have taken my hands off this then keeping my hands off is a...new skill! LOL!

Bravo to the chaps as they power through this. I basically get to sit back and watch.


'Awakening' Project

The Kid Stays In The Picture has come up a riot. It's more Steely Dan than Steely Dan.

I reckon we have come up with an excellent, excellent forgery. Almost as good as when Regurgitator did the 'song formely known as' (which I legit thought was a new Prince song...).

'White Fire' still eludes me, as Mr Wizard has made some very pertinent observations. Much like 'Fool For You' I know the song is in there if I can unlock it.

Production Line

In this new normal, the guys have a routine for processing the work.

Write the song. Play the song. Record the song. Mix the Song.

Like mad Brewers, we have different batches at different stages and that's perfectly reasonable.

Assembly of the tracks continues, in sequence, once the Downtime recordings are up to mixing stage

Now that there is a regular, productive, operating at sustainable-organic-speed vibe on getting things done,

There is some basic housekeeping work to do so as everything else seems to have settled into a rhythm.

I did a review of current guide tracks and...well...I guess I have work to do.

Godfather J said it the other day 'running out of things to say' and I get it.

Saying that which seems worthwhile may come easily, or it may take some consideration.

Fool For You Videoclip

Ok so COVID is now less a big deal here so...location scout due. Script? Abandoned. WIll film what we can and smile about it.

Patient Farming

We're not trying to plan on Gigs or what used to be. We make what we can, as often as we can, with what we have, and we are still doing that, therefore, this is...normal.

With luck and the continued efforts of the members, we will see more stuff done, as we seem to like doing stuff.

I'll report it, discreetly (LOL) and often with some gentle reverence for the useful secrecy of getting on with things incognito.

You fund it here paypal.me/stormcellarband :)