Bah. I overworked the dough. 'Fire water' has a spot that's not quite right. So...taking advantage of the delay in getting the djembe done I thought I'd fix it. Mr Wizard and I spent hours on it.

We made it worse. 

One of our FB mates quoted the Eagles saying if they had Protools, they'd still be making Hotel California.

The perfect is the enemy of the good, to borrow a phrase.


We're pretty much close to final mix now. Sort of. Last chances for doing something finish by the time AJ gets done with it does the heart good.

I have genuinely put the stuff aside for a few days. I need fresh ears. 

...and Mr Wizard's on the phone asking when do we start the next batch. No rist for the wecked I guess.

Or something like that. Time for a spot of milk I think.
