Howdy folks.


Feels like a lot longer since 2020 and the start of the pandemic. Hard to imagine that it's been 2 years. 

In a month from now, 2 years will have elapsed since we went to the US to play in Memphis and surfed the wave back to Oz the week before the world shut down. 

I am loathe to tempt the fates by saying how lucky we have been all things considered, yet it seems just as likely to annoy the metaphorical greek gods to avoid offering gratitude.

I know I go through this at the end of year each year. Good.

We're especially fortunate to have been able to continue making music whilst everything went to Poop for a bit.

I can also remember a few people we have lost along the way in these last cycles. Tommy Lee, always in our hearts and most recently, Al. 

There's enough harshness in the world without adding a pandemic in. Or more war. Or too little. or making war on the wrong things, or making war at all. As we're not in a well known european band , we'll refrain from offering the world any advice at this stage of the millenia.

I was grateful to have known Tommy and Al. I was grateful for what they put into the world. I remember Tommy explaining his brief nudist period. I'll miss Al, heck all of Sydney's bands will miss Al. even if they don't know why. There's a hole where he once stood.

I feel like you miss less of the good stuff when you appreciate it while you got it.

Thanks you dear reader, for your continuing company, as we keep...going. I hope you are staying in good order as well.

Happy Seasons Greetings in whatever manner you subscribe, Merry Christmas, Festive Festivus, Happy Kwanzaa, meatballs of peace to the Pastafarians.

Thank you and merry christmas to the cellar fellers and cellar dwellers, and all who made things like the CRAB, Downtime and Signposts possible.

I am grateful that we have been able to keep going, and doing what we love. thank you for helping us to do it :)