Howdy Folks. Whats with all the crazy weather? I've been following the news of late and see Tornadoes busting out everywhere. Its been kinda bad for a lot of folks (and we know some) in KC. Hope it gets better.

Locally its the end of La Nina and we're getting hammered with the coldest May in 40 years in Sydney, plus the occasional flash flood.

The last time we were this cold we were in Cumnock, recording Carl's Chair - BTW - its almost the 1 year anniversary of the recording of Carl's Chair (we were so grateful to finish Nuevo Retro that we dont keep tabs n the anniversary) but 1 year since Cumnock. Wow.

Pete at Goose is working on a special 2nd mix of the whole album because he's A: barking mad, B: a perfectionist, C: resolutely convinced there's still magic pixie dust hiding in the tracks or D: My Kinda Guy. Will we release it? Will he finish it? Yes to the latter and possibly to the former.

But I digress. No, hang on, I cant digress, I was rambling from the get go. Great!

The chief objective of this post was to put up some footage from the gig at the Bald Rock on Saturday, which, went off.

Cheers to Cameron, Gareth (condolences on getting hitched), Ross, Adam and our new, youngest Audient, Angus. Angus's dad bought Carl's Chair because Angus gurgled happily when we played something from it. Cheers Angus. Wiggles, please take note. 

Right, so the pics with one of my two (low cost) but snazzy camera thingies. Now I'd like to point out that I dont do a lot of these shots because, well, I am otherwise meant to be occupied during the actual playing of the music and the boys might look askance if I just stood there and filmed. Then again, perhaps it would be quite well received :-). Nonetheless, during 'The Boogie' when the boys all Do Their Thing, I have a moment's respite to Whip Out Da Camera and take some clips, so if you've wondered why I keep shooting the same song, there's your explanation! If you didnt care, stop reading and watch the videos.

Here's Rosie on the bogie. Rosie has levelled up recently, you really ought to hear him. it's Niiiice.

Note I am still trying (and failing somewhat) to keep my Harp riff going 1 handed while I film. This is madness.

As Rosie finishes, I have to spin around to catch Mr Wizard doing this:

We were fortunate to be joined by Mr Mike Rix on bass at the Bald Rock, a man with No Blues Nickname, so we're calling him The Enigma, but I dont think it will stick. Getting a Blues Nickname is a mystical process. I'll keep you posted. But for now, here' Mike doing his thing.

Heck of a gig.

We're missing 'Suit Yourself' from the set at the moment, as it undergoes melody surgery to remove a major 7th (or something like that, you'd have to ask Mr Wizard), it's a bummer as I was enjoying that song, but it looks like we've fixed it (famous last words) and it should be back in the set by next gig (Yay!).