We've bragged before about Theo's drumming chops, but this is getting silly :-) After a long day at work, Theo opted to come straight to rehearsal and well, just beat a rhythm out of  anything he could get his hands on, in this instance, a desk drawer!

Yes, Theo can make even a prefab IKEA desk draw into a percussion instrument. I love this guy.



Last night we continued work on two new candidates for the next album, Country Radio and Black Crow. What do they sound like? Well, you'll have to come to the gig at Jannali this Saturday night to hear'em, as we continue to roadtest new songs...Two song enter, 1 song leaves...no actually, both of them look like they're going to make it...well..at least to a live gig. After that, we'll see. 


Mind you, we might need to start bringing various bits of furniture with us to gigs so we can recapture that sound from last night :-)