Who knew Music was a contact sport?


We had a rather enthusiastic dancing moment last night . A shout out to my Irish Doppelganger Big Eddie (dude, can you get me some Corrs tix on the low low?). 


The dancing was in full swing, which is great. We encourage it.






As Hillary and her partner swung, the arcs began to get wider.  And wider and...yep, the gentleman in question lost it and fell backwards over the fold back monitors, straight into Rosie's Pedal Board. 


I stepped forward to try and grab the bloke before he hit the deck, whilst still singing, and managed to catch his outstretched hand, haul him up, push him back out and still keep my place in the verse. Am I feeling a tad smug? You betcha. That would have only been improved if I had managed to catch him before he hit the fold back monitor...oh well, next time :-)


On the downside, my harp cases went flying, the boys were a little perturbed and the crowd sucked in a collective breath of surprise, but the show must go on! I maintained a solid foot stance and prepared to repel boarders just in case it was repeated as the chap in question continued to dance, but after bumping into a few more patrons who gave him an earful, he sheepishly retreated to his beer in a safer place near the bar. I recommended a chair!


Strangely, the two glasses of water I had at my feet remained un-spilled during this whole time. Amazing.


 I am not sure that the my bandmates were quite as forgiving, but given our band history of hickeys, dry humping, threats from bikers, naked hens nights, stage invasions and the occasional band car theft and torching, this was pretty low key, but I think there is at least one member of the band who would have preferred that I had clobbered the guy with a mike stand. One of our regular patrons expressed his surprise at my lack of anger.


I can understand why Musicians get a bit mad at this kind of behaviour, but this was just enthusiasm + a bit too much beer, as opposed to other, less forgivable social sins. I think the poor chap in question was a bit embarrassed and I didn't want the rest of the crowd to be afraid of dancing. It's not the first time its happened,  my harps went flying a few weeks ago after another lass danced, tripped and fell into me, so I guess I am just used to it.


I would like to send a special thank you to the wonderful lady who came over and collected all my gear and put it back in front of me whilst we continued playing.


I am glad we motivate people to strut their stuff, it's part of the enjoyment we derive from a gig, and I must say, last night Rosie was on fire. He's due to record some solos for Feel So Blue and if last nights version was anything to go by, it ought  to be smokin'


We send our shout-outs to Lucky, Mary, Howard, Hilary, Claudette, our Canadian friends, Robert and all the folks who came down to hang out with us last night. It's never dull :-)