I've been doing some research on touring and had a terrific conversation today that I thought was only ever had in pre-scripted comedy segments.
ME: Hi, we're interested in touring and wanted to get some info on backline hire.
THEM; Yeah? Rally? Grate! Wheer err u frum?
ME: Sydney, Australia
THEM: Fer sure! that's grate! I've always wanted to visit Austria.
ME: err...no...not Austria, Australia.
THEM: I have a buddy who lives in Switzerland!
ME: Err, no, you're thinking Europe, we're down on the other side of the planet, you know, kangaroos, crocodile hunter etc?
THEM: Sure, Austria.
ME: (sigh)
For the record, we're from AUSTRALIA... AUS-TRA-LIA (or as we pronounce it badly, OSTRAYA)
Just to help you out, this is your typical google-able Austrian scene. Note the mountains and chalets and somewhere near are some guys in lederhosen slapping each other.
And here, down under, is your typical google image result for Australia. Note: No lederhosen.
Ok, so is everbody clear now?