Howdy Folks.

Mr Pete has been working his little buns off and had the mix for Traveling Song done today.

My first thought upon listening to it was a common saying of Mr wizard's; 'That's very polite'.

We got such a clean sounding version...yikes. As Pete said, what did you expect, it's a very 'nice' song.

Oh no, not 'Nice'

Noooo!!! Hard core credibility once again flies out the window, followed by some wailing folk sound.

Did I mention Mixing is Hard? Try getting 50 opinions and adding them together. Yikes.

I've been listening to the mix and it's great. But I'd like the harp down. 

And the mandolin up.

And that bit removed.

And some more chorus vocals on the end phrases.

Good grief.

So, for the next few days, each of us will listen to it, write some notes and then pester Pete with 'up a little, down a little, left a little'.

In keeping with the current process for the Curious Assembly, we may release more than one version, or not.

Maybe we'll release the Nice version and an alternate Not Nice version (Mandolin distortion?)

I wish I was brave enough to share the current mix, after all, it does sound great, but the boys don't like me to post stuff until it's complete.

Except for the occasional video bit.

And so on.

I'm glad we had this talk.