Howdy Folks (how appropriate).

It's hot. people are clustering around the venues with air con, for good reason.

Significant Police presence this year. At our first gig, I used the old Blues Brothers line, 'a very special thankyou to all the members of law enforcement who've chosen to be with us this evening'.

The first officer gave me a bit of a look but the second guy with the Big Beard got the reference and gave me the thumbs up. Whew. Making fun with jump suited guys with dogs is at your own peril.

Compared to our last few visits up here, this one is relatively short  we have to be back in town next week for Australia Day Weekend. As we're playing at night it's hard to get out to see some of the other acts that are on, but the boys look like they're going to make a bid for a late night session this evening.

Ms Jo has joined us for this trip (yay) and we've been able to try harmonies on Twice Shy Girl and  few other songs, plus the wonderful Stewart fixed her up with some In ear monitors (SHURE PSM 200, me like) and they make a difference, especially in venues where you can't control the fold back monitors to any great extent.

We were a little shaky on our first night, after driving through the heat. The car Mr Wizard was riding in had no air con and he may have arrived slightly desiccated.

Once more, we adapted, hydrated and had a strong night last night. People even danced to Queen Above The Oceans (new folky kind of song).

We're on for two more shows, with luck, we might be able to catch some of the other great stuff that's on around town.

Shout outs to Kathy, Vicki, Sean and David & Son - thanks for dropping in to see us.

More soon.