Greetings from the windy city. I'm on the free wireless service here so as per usual, my blogs will be light on the pics and vids until I get a chance to process them, but, here's todays Tour Headlines:

QANTAS Got Better

Yep the flying kangaroo as improved out of sight. well done.

Macquarie Bank must own LAX

otherwise why would a sandwich and an apple cost $18 usd. FFS

The Van Blew Up

Yep, five minutes after picking it up, kerplooie. Thank heavens we weren't on the freeway. This will take some sorting out...

Media Interviews starting to pile up

Just who the (BLEEP) are Stormcellar and why are they on my show? Looks like we'll be doing a few interviews. Stay tuned.

Breakfast in America remains great!

Would you believe the folks at the AWESOME route 66 diner in Joliet read our blog? Far out! Cheers to Helena. The Corned Beef Hash is facebookable. one of us is bound to take a picture.

Fresh White Illinois Corn

Some places on Earth are gifted for produce. Tasmanian apples, par example. I now add fresh, seasonal illinois corn. Far out.

Mid Westerners remain the nicest folk.

Bless their hearts. Mo, I am talking about you. And you too Mercedes...and Steve, Mark, Dan..jeez....i am gonna be writing a looong thank you list.

Ms Jo is amazed

Only her second trip on a plane. The boys just took her to the big guitar store here. She rode the Rock Island Line. what an adventure.

Th adventure continues and I'm gonnna get back to it. I'll post some random stuff over the next few days. We have a Jam to go to!

More soon!