Morning Folks. It's coming down in steady showers. Rain pools in the unven spaces of my roof and runs off to clatter on the concrete path to the clothes line.

Sydney's purging itself of heat again. Thankyou low pressure system, the heat was stifling.

We have a period of low Show activity, rare for us. I was bummed about it until i thought of the good some downtime might do. We've been pretty active of late.

We've just set the recording date for Don't Take It So Hard On Me which brings us up to...hang on...better calculate...

  1. you can't push me away
  2. rock river
  3. the flood
  4. sweet mama
  5. everywhere feels like home part 1,2,3 and 4

Mr Wizard says 4 parts to 1 song still make it one song, but imma count it as 8 so there.

We, as in 'me' with some bemused looks from the other cellar fellers, decided that the next release should be limited to songs from and around the last tour. 

That means we still have yet to record;

  • Bloomington
  • Dont take it so hard
  • Rock River Variation 1

Altogether that's 11 songs (well, tracks). that's an albums worth. ish. I'm still set on this project being a Soundtrack style album.  

Most of the single-ish stuff we've already put out as we've been going, except for Sweet Mama which is still is post production.

Everywhere feels like home and it's variants are still unreleased (but I get to listen to them, it's good to be me :-) and I've been thinking about release formats.

Digital release is easy. Pressing cds? Some people are a definite YES, some are 'why bother?'

For the most part, I think people have moved to a Playlist for managing music. I think they choose what they want to hear from your group of songs and it's as individual as well, each individual.

That almost makes the idea of a CD with a fixed order and narrative irrelevant. Or does it?



I'm ok with having two opinions on the matter, or most matters for that matter. Never preclude that chance that you could be wrong/right. Thank you quantum opinions.

So on one hand, yay for the USB, the download, the ability to craft playlists.

On the other, yay for a narrative, an order, someone who has thought out the emotional roller coaster of an album.

Then again, both Rosie and I are either running cable or Bluetooth on roadtrips, so plastic cd's? hmmm...

In the case of this current project, I'm keen on creating at least 1 LP equivalent with an order and some other random stuff in it, but i am wondering if we can do both - create a data repository with all the songs + a disc image with an order as selected by them what made it.

I've been toying with the idea of releasing some of the guide tracks on a bonus disc/directory where you could hear the progression of the song from guide track to studio release. Hmmm...

 Meanhwile, Mr Wizard has been back in the workshop experimenting with new wonders



There's a time lag between writing, working on, performing and recording a new song. That often means the track has been with us for some time before it gets an airing. On the other hand, that can be as little as a few hours, as in the case of 'Dropping by' which we wrote up at Tamworth this year and played that night.

There's a batch of new stuff Mr Wizard brought in whilst we were busy doing Everywhere Feels Like Home Variations and we've been working on them.

Once again, contention arises. Great. I'm all for the creative conflict. It's worked so far. Viva el Argumento over all the little details. 

Whilst working on lyrics for a song called 'chalk angels' I noticed the symmetry of the chorus and wondered if the right stuff also showed itself visually. Noise or signal? :-)

By the time our next show rolls up, there will be new songs, and in fact the first show booked in Feb will be a real trip.

We wrote a song for AWE wrestling because

A: we could

B: we could

C: How awesome is this? huh? Huh?


We'll be there playing 'Return of the King', an unrepentantly noisy little number celebrating Blokes who have the willingness to pursue their dreams. 

You didn't see that one coming did ya?

Let's hope we can continue to suprrise and amuse :-)