Howdy folks.
Researsal last night till Mr Wizard blew a valve.
At the Townie tonight we'll have the first chance in a while to
A: do 2 full sets
B: Do all the weird stuff
B: Do all the Igloo Glop Fleebel
C: Do the loud raucous stufff
D: do some new new stuff.
Yeah not just the new non-recorded-stuff but stuff from our KC Underground sessions. New songs.
Only trouble is, that's a lotta words.
Rosie very helpfully pointed out that we have a Lyrics section for that very reason, quite well formatted to Mobiles.
Thank you Internets.
Now all I gotta do is remember the words so I can write them into an article. Y'see its been a few weeks since we recorded them, I havent got a copy of the mixes and well... I already got some bits wrong.
However, as it was us what made them, any 'errors' are now Official Product Enhancements and I woulda made it that way back then if I had got it right.
Yeah I do have a copy of the original words somewhere but they kept getting tweaked during the recording so they're more of a set of guidelines...
That's it, I am gonna go remember them as best I can and type'em up so they're available online wen I need to remind myself of that they might be. I can always fix them after I get the recordings back.