Somebody told me James Taylor was playing last night. I'm sure he was, somewhere, but I didn't expect it to be Sydney. I wondered where. Then it was further explained that they were attempting to pay me a compliment.

Thank you. I like James Taylor. But I rate his tone the superior.

Speaking of singing well, Hollie Matthew opened the night and sang the bejeezus out of it. I did some live streaming to faciebook. If you're on our facie thing go look it up.

Cheers Hollie, good stuff.

So welcome to 2017.

In this 10th anniversary year, we are reminded to keep on doing the things that we do.

Friday night saw new song writing at rehearsal, first new song for 2017.


What was a country rock thing mixed with Japanese melodic structure turned Salsa fusion and I lost it laughing. Don't get me wrong, my soul cries out for some Salsa vibes, but oh my. Experiment, fail, learn, repeat.


 Whilst the chaps were jamming, they hit on a new thing. great. I was testing Live Streaming, so I captured a record of the song to work on and tested my bandwidth and streaming.

So yes, Live Streaming is now a thing.

I'm meant to tell you OMG LIVE STREAMING OMG and then send a billion emails tweets and smoke signals about it.


But I am not going to.

We're into this for the time being.

Back at home base in our underground lair, I can edit vid for privacy.

Out in the Live Streaming world, well, anything can happen. Knowing when to not turn camera on is a big deal.

I was barely persuaded not to wear a head mounted camera last night. Next stop is Multi Streaming. 

Another of the 'things' was having another go at lighting and multimedia. Cheers to Tom for the light show last night, the powered heads were great.

When the full fury of the Powered head LED turned stagewards, it was a bit like doing a gig for Sauron.


I forgot lyrics and felt like presenting my passport for some reason. Anyway.

After some experimenting, they worked out brilliantly. Thanks to Tom for the late night effort and to Dion for go pro filming.

Unique T shirt, live streaming, go pro filming, robotic light heads, excellent guest act. A good start to the year.

Shout outs to Ben, Viv, David, Renata and all the folks at the townie.

Let's go do some more things.