As we came out of the club to pack out, a huge breeze had sprung up. Clouds were racing across a small dot spotlight of a moon.

Earlier in the night it had hung deep and yellow. The Entrance was several degrees cooler than Sydney. The club, several degrees more airconditioned.


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So many cellar dwellers tonight. Steve and Rowena reminded me that it's also their 10th anniversary with us. They came to our first show. In a conversation I had in the men's functional, Daniel said we have a cult following.

On the one hand that sounds great. On other hand it has the word 'cult' in it and there's only one cult: Blue Oyster Cult. 

I can't believe I got this reference in two blogs in the same week. For the win.

Thanks for coming out both of you.

There's something deeply zen about Bowling greens. They're Green. People walk slowly and gently roll little balls on them.



Of course the bowlers at The Greens tonight also included several men in dresses, that purple was dead fetching BTW, which either means they are Well Integrated and Supportive up at The Entrance or someone was doing it for a bet. (so they say).

We don't judge here in the stormcellar, but I'm glad Australia still has the capacity to surprise me. Nice legs on that bloke.

It's the heat. Surely it's the heat.

I did some vid of Shawn Lidster, he sure can sing and writes a great song. It's up on facebook somewhere now. I'm messing with the streaming stuff from time to time but I don't generally announce it.

We were lucky to have Jo with us at the previous gigs up there, so she was missed :-(, but the Fitzgerald presence was noted.

Early in the show Bec had to run from the mixing desk to tell me I had miswired my harp into my vocals and vice versa. You ought to have seen the confusion that caused. For some reason I found my own basic error tremendously funny. For no good reason I almost completely lost it laughing mid set and had to take a moment.

Wrong inputs. Rookie.

545 shows.


Love and care for your sound technicians. They are worth their weight in vintage vinyl :-) Cheers Bec.

As you may be able to tell, I'm fairly chipper. That was a good and much cooler way to spend a Saturday Night. Thanks to everyone who came out. It was outstanding to see so many familiar faces.

Now all we need are some new songs. Heh.