Making stuff is the best response we can offer to our circumstances.

One of the items on our 2017 EPIC list was doing an online collaboration.


I joined 'Game of Bands' on Reddit ( which describes itself as the internet's longest running songwriting comp.

Working with Pedro in Portugal and Diego in Peru, I just did my first song in Spanish!

Muchas Gracias a Diego, Y Obrigado, Pedro!

I imagine my Spanish Accent will probably cause a lot of amusement to native Spanish Speakers. Por favor, perdoname :-)

Mr Wizard thinks I've lost my tiny little mind (again), shouldn't he be used to it after 10 years? But he's also keen on trying some stuff in Spanish and maybe even Japanese. Oh dear. What have I started?

Rosie thinks the guitar is great. I think the sentiments Diego wrote in Spanish are great.

So here it is, a theme song for a Spaghetti Western from an alternate universe.

It's part Radio Play, Part Portuguese 'Fado' and part completely random. Not bad for three people who met online a week ago. The great music is courtesy of Pedro. 

There's a world of people out there making stuff. That's just great. Join in. Grab the google and do your thing!

I might see you out on the boards :-)