Heh. Popped down to Everland studios and recorded 2 vocals for 2 new songs. Cheers Ben.

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I'm still waiting on the mastered tracks for Defiance so I am consoling myself with new shiny things.

I've been singing along to the video tracks for days. This is so non-standard.

Normally you record the rhythm section, drums and base, and guitars and a guide vocal.

In this case we've started with the Guitar + Atmosphere and now the main vocals.

In an effort to be as demanding of me as I was of the chaps, I made myself do single takes. If i made them do it, it's fair that I should have to take the same risks.

Now I'm listening to the Guitar and Vocal mixed together with the video.

Needs some tweaks.

Then we have to record additional instruments, figure out how we want to work with the atmosphere sounds, shoot some more video, blend. Then we're going to mess with the playback options. It's an experiment. 

Did I mention we're recording the next part of it in Coonabarrabran at an observatory?

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10 years we've been doing this sort of thing. Studio Album then Experiment! Except that the last 3 albums have been experimental. It's all experimental. For every thing I write up here, there are a lot of OH CRAP THAT DIDNT WORK's that I don't always write up. Well sometimes I do.

I'm really enjoying the music the guys are writing. I like it enough to want to share, which means I need to get on with getting it done.

Speaking of which I'd best update the lyrics section, I imagine these new songs will be coming into the set soon.

