I made a joke to our mate V. saying 'oh we haven't been doing much' as an Ironic Joke. Ha Ha. 

She said 'yeah I am not seeing much in your facebook feed' and she's been a supporter since way back.

Did she change any settings? Nope.

Facebook has limited the posts we make from reaching people who previously saw them unless they perform a totally easy, why-would-you have-a-problem-with-it, your argument is invalid, little 'click' on their settings. 

Or pay. Small, regular payments. Some call it 'advertising'.

Others might have another word for it, whaddya say Al?


So...as an Accredited Nerd, I know a few things about 'User' Behaviour.  No really, I have worked with people accessing and using Data from decades. For real.

I know that small technical change doesn't get made because people don't do that sort of stuff. People just don't.

It's all about manipulating human behavior and then saying 'but they had a choice'.

Just like Poker Machines.

And that goes for the Musicians using Social Media as well, spending our time trying to WIN WIN WIN!

Poker machines are a real thing down here. For Aussies paying attention we know that Poker Machines run algorithms to reinforce behaviour. Yes it's Pavlovian. yes it's manipulative.

A little 'bling' noise or 'OMG!!! GREAT!!!' to reinforce it. as opposed to 'OH SH-T THERE GOES YOUR RENT!'

Gamblers at poker machines in Brisbane - AAP (Custom).jpg

I believe Social Media reward you with little stickers and Blings for the same reason.

I mean Facebook has the temerity to assess my % responsiveness. Is there a test? Do I pass? 

Oh no, that's just to give people an idea of how engaged you are, as opposed to...creating an impression that you need to be doing better - gamefying your responses. Gaming you.

Don't worry, it's just in my head.

I read an article recently about our society having surrendered the freedom of the web to 1 or 2 companies. 

I reckon that might be true, but it's a self correcting system and i think people are growing wise as the collective web mind gets a little older.

Rather than being miffed at any one provider, I am miffed at what are overtly manipulative practises designed to extract payment.

They may very rightly say 'we have to make money, nothing is for free, how else to you expect us to survive'

Totally fair. Let's play Capitalism though, shall we, I mean after all, that's the argument, right?

For every Watt, Erg, Calorie or Dollar you spend on social media, you are building someone else's business. 

You make the content. You chase the viewership.

They charge you to reach them and then sells ads and sell your data and the users data.

Nice work if you can get it.

Yes i have said this before, at each time that they have dropped organic (that means free) post reach on social media.

I'm not done. There's some hard truths on social media.

Social Media represents users of Social Media, not 'the world'.

It doesn't even necessarily represent people who like music or go to gigs, something that's very pertinent to us as a band.

I am deeply concerned that we are being encouraged to waste time, money and energy tending a rock garden, or feeding a tamagotchi.


I truly question whether pouring effort into social media really does lead to $. If there's no $ somewhere, from however a supporter chooses to support your activities, it's hard to keep making stuff.

One of the best quotes on Social Media I have come across is:

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yes we will keep using social media, no I don't know what the answer on how to reconnect with music lovers and our society is, yes I understand the shift in media, I mean Channel 10 just went from $32 share in 2005 to 15c a share in 2017. Anyone for Buggy Whips?


No I am not deleting my accounts, but no, I am not going to spend $ to reach people who already did me the kindness of 'liking; and 'following' our stuff.

And if I change my mind or figure out I'm wrong, I will post a new post saying 'things have changed' or 'I was wrong'.

But as a long time FB user, this stuff makes me truly question the wisdom of investing any effort into it as a platform. I don't care if it's 'reasonably priced'. That wasn't the deal when we started and it feels manipulative as hell.

I question the effectiveness of social media for non heritage, non legacy, non 'established' acts, and there's a bucket load more of them than the Rolling Stones, eh?

If you're already famous, or have a large external/legacy(lapsing) media presence, social media might be the best way to interact with other people, but I have feeling for acts coming through today it's a little like tending an Orchard of Stones and wondering why it bears no fruit.

Sell shovels to the miners boys, there's money in them likes. Sure beats digging for content yourself.

 malakoffminersdiggingtunnel (Custom).jpg

Ironically I might cross post this to facebook :-)