Getting an album out has a raft of logistics and bard codes and filling forms and such.

Many details.

Thanks to Rosie & Elsa for their help getting the last bits done.

So yeah we're done.

I both happy to be complete and bummed to be done. It's also interesting to me that I wasn't in a hurry to put the dang thing out. Well, sort of. Once we had it down, I was able to listen to it, so really, job done. Releasing it was purely optional. 

Yeah I know my logic is quite contrarian and as I reflect, I do dig sharing the stuff.

With a few weekends off, I have had a chance to do some video work and I wanted to note how impressed I am with a free version of Da Vinci Resolve. I should be able to crank out a clip with it shortly and I am just blown away by how much good stuff they've put in a free version. It's entirely useful. There's a decent learning curve but wow.

Each year the tools get better, you can do more. It's a great time to be making stuff.

Album 9. Am I feeling reflective? You bet. I've been listening to Album 10. I like the fact that it took doing album 10 to finish album 9. that's totally nuts.

Not only that but I got a bit more patient yesterday and stopped cursing the computer and learned this new software.

We offer positive action in perilous times.

Defiance, in deed.