Mr Wizard and I had an official working lunch yesterday, in the sunshine, with a block of copy paper and a few marker pens.

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Getting a clear idea of what to do next requires spring rolls.

 Also Tea.

And thinking. Lots of thinking. And phone calls. And Emails.

We have 6 slots available in the recording session next week. 

To complete the initial 5D tracks, Mr Wizard wants to add Double Bass, drums & baritone guitar to Sail Away.

Bill wants to add Bowed Double Bass. to Pirouette.

Cool, that's 2/6 slots, give or take

Shoshona & Hidden Hand are pretty much done, as they were stereo mic live recordings. No worries, ignore that.

Everyone wants to have another crack at Brave With Your Heart, and maybe to even do an electric version. Hmmm...3/6. Maybe.

Pirouette came up as a very different song Electric so we want a version of that. 4/6

Plus 'Drums', one of the 'D's from the 5D project. 5/6

That leaves 1 slot open for New Song.

We have 5 days before we record, a proposed full electric rehearsal in 4 days, leaving us 3 days to write another song.

It's on. Oh yeah, you know it's on.


Mr Wizard and Bill are hard at it. Files are arriving. They are playing things to me. Yikes. They really do like to work huh?

Bodes well for the coming week. We'll see what turns up.

Everyone Loves Chuck.

I'm still digging this new vid and I'm reposting just 'cos. We're making an effort, down here in the stormcellar, to keep being a place where you can take your mind off all the chaotic weather outside. Stay safe. Keep smilin.